Thursday, November 6, 2008


how i hate going back late in the morning...
well thats what you face when you do 'closing'...
but what actually freaks me most is doing hot drinks...OMG!!

for now, we have our 2 christmas promotion drinks going on in stores;
Dark Cherry Mocha Frappucino & Toffee Nut Frappucino (yummy??)
yup, i like DCMF more because its cherry like taste... TNF is more or less like caramel frap so i dont really fancy that anymore...(yela kan,hari2 bau coffee jer so dah biasa sgt...)
so i recommend u guys to try out DCMF because its damn cun one...

i like working at starbucks because the people there are friendly but i sometimes hate when they pressure me do something im not familiar with....

how ah?? hmm....

1 comment:

Rao said...

haha tell em u got la salle klang with ya...who ever kacau u will turun padang hahahaha cheh waa